health and ai

Artificial Intelligence might improve your lifespan

Even though artificial intelligence existed years ago, the trend is happening now. Brilliant breakthroughs have happened in multiple industries which is for sure helping the AI industry grow. The interesting part is that a big majority of investors are pointing their investments into the AI industry making sure they get a potential return of investment.

Interestingly the investments have hit a record high in 2018 with over $600 million dollars invested in multiple AI kinds of research to power up the use cases of artificial intelligence in the health industry. But, can artificial intelligence improved your life span?

Well, you might need another AI system to calculate that!


According to Wikipedia, the average lifespan of a human being in 2019 is 79 years, but we should remember the fact that it was 47 years in 1900. Consistent analysis of data points from millions of medical records collected from multiple organizations has helped scientists and doctors achieve this point.

Diagnosis is the key to making the right treatment. Doctors use machines like scanners and MRI machines to detect the right problem at the right place without loss of precision. Imagine, implementing a deep learning system within an MRI machine,

The story is actually simple –  Doctors and scientists at New York University are trying to develop an MRI machine fully powered by artificial intelligence which could take more precise MRI scans rather than connecting 2D images to produce a 3D image. They have reached a point where the machine is taking just 10% of the time taken by a normal MRI machine.

Interestingly the quality of the image is better without loss of precision. These technologically advanced machines are powered by machine learning, deep learning, and neural nets which could potentially recommend unbelievable recommendations about the disease. Giants like Google has also made successful breakthroughs with deep learning by converting 500GB data into 100MB, which could potentially help optimize the machines in the future to minimize the cost of taking an MRI scan.

But, how about a lifespan of 100 years? sounds boring!?

Maybe it’s possible with AI.

Since the very beginning, scientists are depending upon data to measure and predict something. They opened dead bodies to see what’s inside, they collected the medical records of millions to derive conclusions and that’s how the number 79 happened on the planet.

More Data

If scientists were driven by data to achieve success in the health industry, what if they get to have to more data?

Do you know what’s cool?

A million medical records?

No, a billion medical records are cool.

Scientists did learn these medical records with the help of multiple statistical techniques which also works with probability. Every industry is growing at a rapid pace, the pace has also taken care of statistical methodologies and the ever growing IT industry.

Even though millions and billions sound cool, it’s really hard to compute these data to generate insights, but that’s when data science happened. Imagine an application which could recommend you precise medical recommendations just by chatting with you. That’s the future of health care in AI, oh wait? It’s already the present.

An app called Ada has successfully transformed the lives of people by chatting with the user and recommending interesting yet precise information about their medical problem with the power of artificial intelligence. They consistently learn medical records to predict medical problems with utmost precision with the brains of data scientists.

Data scientists are scientists who can analyze data and generate an insight out of it. Machine learning methods and in fact the most interesting deep learning techniques are now capable of analyzing billions of data with just computing abilities. The machines are now capable of learning by itself and deriving insights.


Deep learning techniques have helped MRI machines to detect problems by itself and in fact, the quality of imaging has become more precise by learning patterns with fewer data.

The famous surgical robot called Da Vinci has successfully completed over 200,000 surgeries around the world without many efforts. The ultimate technology built within the system might even put doctors into trouble.

Doctors say that they might lose the experience in doing a surgery when most surgeries are done with this machine. Just like driving a car, doctors must always keep doing their thing to avoid the crash.

Millions of people are now wearing smart devices like Apple watch and other brands. Until 2010, none of us were tracking our heart rates or activity with a device that’s with us all the time, now a pool of data is being tracked every second from these smart devices.

Key Space

Scientists can come up with millions of solutions for billions of problems especially in the health industry if proper investments happen in specific fields. Predictive analytics with machine learning and deep learning techniques can generate revolutionary solutions that could even help us live more in the coming days.

The strive is always ON, because of passionate doctors and scientists working consistently with tech experts who are efficient enough to develop interesting products with the help of machine learning. In fact brands like Google, Apple, etc are sharing information with organizations under privacy protection to study health data to predict more precise diagnosis and to make healthcare cheap for the public.

It’s predicted that a 25% reduction in healthcare cost could happen with the help of AI-based technologies implemented at the hospital. Provided the fact that AI health investments are growing, 25% would become 75% within 20 years time. After all, It’s all about being healthy with healthy technologies and that’s the future we are about to witness.