You’ll have more artificially intelligent friends by 2025

You’ll have more artificially intelligent friends by 2025

Machine learning and artificial intelligence got married years ago. The scientists around the globe are trying their very best to make their relationship better day by day.

You might be talking with your Google assistant or Siri since a very long time and you know the fact that they can do a lot for you without even taking a minute of break. It’s a machine and it has all the basic capabilities to help you do daily activities like ordering food, calling an Uber or even turning on a light.

Yes, you can turn on lights with your favorite home assistant (IOT).

Machine Learning

You’ll have more artificially intelligent friends by 2025


Going deep into the technical side of machine learning doesn’t make sense here, but you can easily get an idea about what it is and how significant it is to make machines artificially intelligent.

Machine learning is nothing but teaching machines how to learn and act accordingly. Rather than collecting the data and processing it with the help of a professional (with bits and pieces of errors), it’s far better to teach machines to learn so that these machines itself can process the data without errors and come up with an intelligent result.

Machine learning is basically done with programming, applying statistical instructions and lots of mathematics. Tech giants like Google, IBM, Apple, etc are seriously working hard into bringing Machine learning into a reality.

These companies are also providing free resources to help improve your machine learning project, it’s obviously the future to look forward.

Artificial Intelligence

You’ll have more artificially intelligent friends by 2025


Maybe you can call artificial intelligence as the result of machine learning. The bulk amount of data is processed by the computers and after when these data go through different mathematical filters, it becomes useful informations.

A software could be able to predict a users behaviour and even more by learning these data and can help the user with prompt support.

For example, if you want to book a bus ticket and if there is no tickets available, the artificially intelligent app can understand the problem and recommend an Uber for you (with proper pricing estimate).

Apps like Google assistant, Siri etc are already doing this with the power of machine learning. They can talk, share fun times with you and even understand your character and act accordingly.

They’ll only get better.

By 2025

You’ll have more artificially intelligent friends by 2025


Technology is definitely moving faster, but machine learning and artificial intelligence takes time (not really) to be a complete reality.

As I’ve said, it’s already in place but to make artificially intelligent friends, they’ll have to start loving you and be able to have emotions.

Probably by 2025 developers around the world could come up with some sort of personal assistant to help you understand yourself better.

It could help you do your work productively, manage your emails and let you know what’s happening around the world. You can keep talking to it and know whatever you wanted to know even without looking at your mobile phone.

Sounds like future isn’t?

But it can never replace your best friend, or will it?