
Alexa is now generous enough to make donations

Amazon Alexa is getting better and more generous to be precise (but with your money). Alexa has been handling users commands since some time and it’s getting better with more and more features. Also, the ability to understand and to process the commands is much better than before.

Google and Apple with Google Home and Apple HomePod (the current competitors to Amazon Alexa) are trying to understand and execute as much as commands as they possibly can. But some commands needs more permissions and security to control it from misusing.

Recently the voice assistants like Google home started managing payment activities like sending payments to friends etc, so Amazon is slowly putting hands into it with Alexa trying to send payments to non-profit organisations.


Alexa money


Amazon Alexa now let’s you donate money to approximately 50 non-profit organisations with a voice command. You can ask Alexa to donate a certain amount of money to a particular organisation and Alexa will take care of it.

You can donate from $5 to $5000 in a single go.

Every user would appreciate this feature and the ability to donate with a voice enables easiness in donating money to organisations which helps poor people and diseased ones to get better with your money.

Managing financial transactions with voice assistants is still not fit enough to run a marathon yet. A big majority of the users are still not comfortable doing transactions with voice assistants, so companies like Google and Amazon might be pushing these features to help users understand the easiness and the ability to transfer or share money securely with a voice command.

Soon, Alexa will come up with brilliant features to help users manage activities with the help of a voice command. Since the entrance of voice assistants, the growth and updates are insane and interesting enough to handle a big variety of commands, they’ll only get better.