
New Vertical Farming Brings Both Good and Bad News For the Future

Agriculture has always been a primary occupation for mankind, but recently this has been brought under attack. Space is being taken for granted, and now this is being posted as a serious problem. And this is a very serious issue. Humanity represents about 7 billion mouths to feed, but yet at the same time producing it has also become very complicated. But again at the same time money and natural resources is also posing as a problem.

Researchers have come up with a solution and that is vertical agriculture. What is vertical agriculture, really? Well, vertical agriculture consists of growing plants in structures with a lot of footprints. These structures save so much space that they can be grown in enclosed and controlled environments. According to the various studies that are being conducted, this type of agriculture also reduces the use of pesticides, especially those that are related to pests.

 Good and The Ugly

And another bonus point is the distance that is being traveled to bring the food to the destination. The time and effort in the travel would be decreased considerably. These are all golden points, and especially brownie points in this generation.

But this does not mean that this new idea comes without any drawbacks. Agriculture offers not just food but also employment opportunities too. And with employment rates digging the ground, this sector could further worsen the situation. Many companies are even planning to eliminate human labor by bringing in robots to do all the farming.

Future of Agriculture

Labour and electricity can be saved through vertical agriculture. Solar energy is tipped to power these greenhouses but at the cost of human labor. One might have to wait and see on how the outcome of this will be.